Monday, April 29, 2013

Who Was Aboard the Challenger?

1. Francis (Dick) R. Scobee

  • Commander of the Challenger
  • 46 year old man
  • He had flown in forty five different types of aircraft

2. Micheal J. Smith
  • Pilot of the Challenger
  • This was going to be hist first time in space

3. Dr. Judith A. Resnik
  • First mission specialists aboard the Challenger
  • First Jewish woman to ever go in space
  • Second American woman to ever go in space

4. Dr. Ronald E. McNair
  • Second mission specialist aboard the Challenger
  • Second African American to ever travel in space

5. Ellison S. Onizuka
  • Third mission specialist aboard the Challenger
  • Japanese man

6. Gregory B. Jarvis
  • 41 year old man
  • He had been replaced multiple times in the past

7. Sharon (Christa) McAuliffe
  • First private citizen of the United States to ever go in space
  • From Concord, New Hampshire

The Crew Members

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