Thursday, May 2, 2013

History of the Challenger

The Challenger, a space shuttle, was launched from Kennedy Space Center, located in 
Orlando Florida. On January 28, 1986, after only being in the air for 73 seconds at the altitude 
of 46,000 feet, it tragically exploded killing the seven crew members aboard, and shocking the 
entire United States. Sadly, all seven bodies were never found, and are still resting somewhere 
in the Atlantic Ocean.  The Challenger was delayed seven times before it was actually launched 
due to payloads, delays, and bad weather. The first date was scheduled for July 1985 but it 
wasn't launched until January 28, 1986, an entire year later. On the day it was launched, parts of
the shuttle were covered in ice, yet they decided to launch anyways.  The fact that people were 
more interested in Christa McAuliffe than in anything going wrong within the shuttle, was also 
another possible reason that the Challenger could have exploded.

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